Sunday, January 01, 2006

Blog MOVED - already!!!

Hey all....

It is amazing how fast things change!!!!

My Blog has already moved. I have decided to use typepad for my blog upkeep, and therefore you can access my blog now at:

come by there and check it all out!!!

See you over there.

New Year's Resolutions

I have gone back and forth on my opinion about making New Year's Resolutions. I certainly believe it is good to make goals that you hope to accomplish, but I believe that resolutions are very different than goals. I also wonder if we set ourselves up for failure in making New Year's Resolutions? I know, in my own life, many of the things I struggle with and hope to accomplish require that I make a "New Day" resolution each and every morning. And even then, I struggle greatly with making sure that I keep my committment. So how much harder is it to make a resolution that you plan to keep for 365 days without getting discouraged and abandoning it completely?

I have made goals for 2006. I certainly have things I hope to do and accomplish. But, for me personally, I get far too overwhelmed when I think what I am supposed to accomplish in the next 365 days. So, I will take it one day at a time and continue to try and take up my cross daily - both in my faith life and personal life (which I don't believe can really be separated as each one impacts the other.)

It is about time

So, for YEARS now I have been asked by people when I would begin blogging. I have had a desire to do so for a long time now, but didn't know what I wanted the blog to be about, or what to say.

Well, I have decided a good goal to begin in 2006 would be to start my blog. I don't know what shape or form this will take. I do hope to blog on a regular basis, so as to not leave this blog idle for too long.

So here it all begins. I hope to do just as the title of this blog states - to share the thoughts I have from the silly and pointless to the deep and profound. My intention is to share a personal journal of sorts.

So...Welcome to 2006 and the my new blog!!!